The 1990 Vintage is a medium-bodied cigar leaning more toward the milder side with a nutty, caramel essence. This cigar is highlighted by a 12-year-old Honduran Broadleaf wrapper that has softened in strength over the years, yet gained in complexity and flavor. Renowned for its elegance and balance, the 92-rated 1990 Vintage has twice been placed in Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 Cigars of the Year.
Vintage 1992
A true medium bodied smoke with a nutty aroma and hints of spice and espresso. The 1992 Vintage features refinement and zest from a 10-year-old Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, balanced by Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers and a Nicaraguan binder. The consistently smooth 1992 Vintage is highly renowned, earning a 91 rating on multiple occasions.
Vintage 1999 Connecticut
The 1999 Vintage showcases the oldest true Connecticut shade-grown wrapper on the market. This iconic cigar is a mild cigar producing silky smoke. Truly one of the finest cigars on the market today. A must have for any humidor.
Vintage 2003 Cameroon
The 2003 Vintage Cameroon has become the rising star in the Rocky Patel Vintage series. The 2003 Vintage features a beautifully aged Cameroon wrapper with Dominican & Nicaraguan fillers and a Nicaraguan binder. The blend delivers a medium-bodied smoking experience with hints of sweet wood, light spice and coffee. A perfect cigar any time of the day.