Grande Vida Cigar is associated with one of the oldest tobacco companies in Singapore with close connection to Cigar Factories worldwide. Grande Vida Cigar is established with the belief that premium cigars from around the world should be shared and enjoyed. Our passion is learning about and experiencing the enjoyment of cigars from different countries. Our mission is to import the finest handmade cigars that we love from Central America and the Caribbean to give our customers a complete and more diverse cigar experience.
1. We only distribute premium long-filler hand-rolled cigars to our customers at value-for-money prices.
2. We do not sell machine-made cigars and short-filler cigars as these cigars are usually for price-sensitive consumers who are not too particular about the quality of the cigars they smoke.
We are proud to be the authorized distributor of premium Cuban brands from Pacific Cigars Hong Kong. In addition, we are also the sole importer/distributor of the following brands : 1945, Arturo Fuente, Debonaire, Don Julio, My Father, Rocky Patel, Saga, Casa Turrent, TeAmo, JC Newman and Indian Motor Cycle.
We love wine, whiskey and most of all, cigars. Smoking a cigar is one of life’s most sublime pleasures. It is a relaxing indulgence that is steeped in history, culture, and tradition. Each cigar is intrinsically tied to the climate, the terroir, the grower, the torcedor and the master blender. It is an art form that is perfected by hand and passed down through generations.
From growing tobacco to priming, curing, fermenting, aging, blending and rolling, each step is interwoven to the land, the people, local traditions and cultural influences. Microclimates and soil properties will also result in very different tobacco grown with the same seeds imparting infinite permutations of rich flavors and complexities and sensation. Each cigar we stock boasts of its own exceptional profile and taste.
Like wine and whiskey, the world of cigars is about discovering and appreciating the finesse that comes from a product which is the result of quality, dedication and care. Indeed, the exhilarating world of cigars is wonderfully diverse with a large spectrum of flavours, nuances, and intricacies that can only be experienced personally. The enjoyment of cigars is a journey that will transport you to the sun-kissed and exotic island of Cuba and the Dominican Republic to the volcanic, mountainous valleys of Mexico, Nicaragua, and Honduras.
Come join us on this remarkable journey to explore the delightful world of cigars!